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You probably have learned by now that life is tough and hard. We have Adam and Eve to thank for that, but they are not the only ones responsible. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Life is a fight, a struggle to get through the day and the week. We are in a spiritual fight against so many forces. The Apostle Paul wrote this in 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course (race), I have kept the faith" (NASB). So many people, even Christian people, are simply existing and surviving. They are not thriing and living the abundant life Jesus promised.

In this series we are going to look at the different battles or fights we fight in this boxing ring called life, where life hits us with blows and punches, and we get bruised, bloodied and beaten-up. Yet, we are not powerless in this fight. We might be unprepared and unequipped to fight it. If that is you, I want to serve as your boxing coach so to speak and prepare you and equip you from the truth of God's Word on how to fight this fight. How to win in this battle. God wants you and I want you to experience the truth of Romans 8:37, "But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us" (NASB). You may feel more conquered than a conqueror right now, but that will change. Please join us for this sermon series as we enter the boxing ring of life.