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Our word for today is WORSHIP. The Christmas story is a story of worship. What is worship? Worship is declaring the greatness of God. And there are many ways to do it. The angels sang, the wise men bowed, and the shepherds spread word of all they had seen and heard. They all worshiped in different ways. How will you worship Jesus this Christmas? I want to encourage you to do all three.

Do what the angels did. The angels sang in worship. The Bible says this in Luke 2:13-14

“Suddenly a great army of heaven's angels appeared with the angel, singing praises to God: (14) `Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom He is pleased!’” (GNT). 

Do what the angels did. Sing Christmas carols. I’m not talking about Frosty, Santa and Rudolph. I mean the songs of our faith that point the way to Jesus. They are packed with biblical truth, and they are filled with worship. So sing those kinds of songs. Keep them in your heart and mind. Keep them in your home and your car. Keep them in your headphones and airpods. Let songs of true worship be the soundtrack of the season for you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think you have a good voice. God gave you your voice, and if He isn’t bothered you can’t sing on key or feel you can’t sing at all. Besides, the Bible says in Psalm 100:1, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord”  (NKJV). So as long as it’s joyful and noisy, you’re on the right track! 

Sing! Do what the shepherds did. The shepherds worshiped by sharing the Good News. The Bible says this in Luke 2:17-20

“When they had seen [Jesus], they spread the word concerning what had been told to them about this child, (18) and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. (19) But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. (20) The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. (NIV).

New Testament scholar Bruce B. Barton writes this:

“One of the angels’ key roles is to offer continuous praise to God. The arrival of God’s Son on earth caused the “armies of heaven” to join in an anthem of praise to God. Rarely did more than one angel come; at this great event, however, all the angels joined together, praising God. The “armies of heaven” or “heavenly host” refers to a select group of angels that serve God.  The story of Jesus’ birth resounds with music that has inspired composers for two thousand years. The angels’ song is an all-time favorite. 

Often called the “Gloria” after its first word in the Latin translation, it is the basis of modern choral works, traditional Christmas carols, and ancient liturgical chants. “Glory to God” focuses the praise on the one who set these events in motion, the one who controls all events on earth. He is “in the highest heaven” and is sending peace on earth to all whom [He] favors. The peace referred to is the peace that only the Messiah can bring—not peace after war or conflict, but peace between sinful humanity and the holy God. Those whom God favors are those to whom He will graciously reveal His truth. The emphasis is on God—He is to be glorified, and He will bring peace to those whom He chooses. The entire “good news,” brought to humanity through the birth of Jesus, came by God’s decision and grace alone” (Source: Bruce B. Baron, The Life Application Bible Commentary, “Luke,” p. 46).


ou have a story too, and you can worship God by telling your story to others. What have you seen and heard in your life with Jesus? Where, when, and how did you meet Him? What difference has He made in your life? Others might be amazed by what you have to say. Do what the wise men did. They worshiped through their giving. The Bible says this in Matthew 2:-1-2, 11

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem (2) and asked, “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him” . . . (11) On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh” (NIV).

Notice that the wise men worshiped Jesus when He could do nothing for them in return. And notice the sequence of events in their worship. First, the wise men presented themselves, then they presented their gifts. Before they offered their wealth, they offered their hearts. That must be the order of our worship too. So this Christmas, do what the angels did — worship with singing. Do what the shepherds did — come and see, then go and tell. And do what the wise men did — bow your heart in humility in the presence of God and remember this: what God wants most from you in worship is you.

Questions To Consider

  1. Do you like to sing? If so, sing this Christmas our traditional Christian carols. Keep reminding yourself of the real reason for this season. If you have children or grandchildren with you, ask them what their favorite Christian Christmas carols are and why? Take a moment and sing it with them.
  2. This Christmas make an attempt to first present yourself to the Christ child and then your gifts to Him. The best gift that you can give Jesus this Christmas is a recommitment to Him. The magi offered gold – in that day it was a gift given to a king. They gave Him frankincense – which, in that day was given to a deity or god; and third, they gave Him myrrh – which in that day was given and used to embalm a dead body. 
    • This Christmas give Jesus your gold – what is your most prized possession? Give it to Him. 
    • This Christmas give Jesus your frankincense – this was used in worship to burn as a sweet aroma lifting up to heaven. In what area(s) does your attitude need to be sweeter or more pleasant. Give that to Jesus this Christmas.
    • This Christmas give Jesus your myrrh – this Christmas make the decision to crucify your flesh, die to self and follow Him. What one area do you need to step out in faith with Jesus this Christmas.
  3. What is one of the best Christmas gifts you have ever received and why? What is the one of the best Christmas gifts you have ever given to someone else and why?

Scripture To Meditate On: Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (NLT).

Prayer To Pray: “Lord, Jesus, I want to worship You like those who first celebrated Your birth. So I will sing with the angels, even though I may not sound like one. Like the shepherds, I will tell other people the Good News of how I first met You. And like the wise men, I will offer all that is in my heart and my hands to You in worship. In Your name I pray, Amen.” 

I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly

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