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Well the weekend is here and I hope you are able to get some things done. Hopefully, you can get some rest and relaxation as well. Well, the question we are going to look at today is found in Romans 8:31, “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (ESV). As children of God, we will always face opposition from all kinds of sources. Some in the world, some from demonic powers, even our own self and unfortunately, even some within the church. There actually can be a lot against us.

Jesus told us in John 15:18 this, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first”  (NLT). There are many in the world who oppose us. The philosophies, values, and priorities of the world stand against us. In terms of our earthly lives, we can be overcome, defeated, even killed. But in terms of His eternal promise to us has promised us that  through Jesus Christ has promised us we will overcome. Look at 1 John 5:4-5, “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (5) And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God” (TPT).

In all these battles we have here, Jesus Christ has assured us that we we win. Look at Romans 8:37, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (NLT). Think about this — not even death, even an early death, even a horrible death, even a martyr death is the worst thing that could happen to us. That is the promise of Philippians 1:21, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (NLT). If that was true for the Apostle Paul, it is true for us as well. Pastor and author Chuck Swindoll writes this:

“Let’s say the manager of a local jewelry store called one afternoon to let you know your name had been entered in a drawing and that you are the winner of a very expensive diamond necklace. “All you need to do is come to the store at ten o’clock tomorrow morning and receive your prize!”

So, you arrive the following morning shortly before ten to find a small crowd gathered around a presentation platform. After a few comments, the manager places the necklace around your neck for a few photographs, everyone applauds, and the ceremony ends. You have your gift, but you don’t want to wear it home, so you kindly ask the manager, “May I have a box for this beautiful necklace? I want to keep it safe for the trip home.” No manager on earth would respond, “No! We gave you the necklace; the box is your responsibility!” The cost of a box is nothing compared to the necklace. We have everything we need in Christ, and the Father will withhold nothing to protect His children and to bring them safely to Himself” (Source: Charles R. Swindoll, The Swindoll Living Insights New Testament, “Romans,” pp. 193-194).

Also, pastor and author John MacArthur writes this:

The word “if” translates the Greek conditional particle [εἰ, ei], signifying a fulfilled condition, not a mere possibility. The meaning of the first clause is therefore ”Because God is for us.” The obvious implication is that if anyone were able to rob us of salvation they would have to be greater than God Himself, because He is both the giver and the sustainer of salvation. To Christians Paul is asking, in effect, “Who could conceivably take away our no-condemnation status?” (Source: John MacArthur, The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, “Romans,” p. 502).

The point being is there is nothing in this universe that can take our salvation from us. God is for us. The Cross proves that. God is for us. The Resurrection proves that. God is for us. Discipleship proves that. God is not only for us getting saved, but also getting sanctified. Why? God is for us and guess what, He is for you also. Read the following story below please:

“In his book The Divine Commodity, Skye Jethani shares a story from a trip he took to India with his father. While walking the streets of New Delhi, a little boy approached them. He was "skinny as a rail, and naked but for tattered blue shorts. His legs were stiff and contorted, like a wire hanger twisted upon itself." Because of his condition, the little boy could only waddle along on his calloused knees. He made his way toward Skye and his father and cried out, "One rupee, please! One rupee!" Skye describes what happened when his father eventually responded to the boy's persistent begging:

"What do you want?" my father asked. "One rupee, sir," the boy said while motioning his hand to his mouth and bowing his head in deference. My father laughed. "How about I give you five rupees?" he said. The boy's submissive countenance suddenly became defiant. He retracted his hand and sneered at us. He thought my father was joking, having a laugh at his expense. After all, no one would willingly give up five rupees. The boy started shuffling away, mumbling curses under his breath.

My father reached into his pocket. Hearing the coins jingle, the boy stopped and looked back over his shoulder. My father was holding out a five-rupee coin. He approached the stunned boy and placed the coin into his hand. The boy didn't move or say a word. He just stared at the coin in his hand. We passed him and proceeded to cross the street.

A moment later the shouting resumed, except this time the boy was yelling, "Thank you! Thank you, sir! Bless you!" He raced after us once again—but not for more money but to touch my father's feet. …This, I imagine, is how our God sees us—as miserable creatures in desperate need of his help. But rather than asking for what we truly need, rather than desiring what he is able and willing to give, we settle for lesser things” (Source: Skye Jethani, The Divine Commodity, pp. 113-114).

Questions To Consider

  1. Do you believe that God is for you? If so, why and how?
  2. Do you believe you have everything you need in Christ? Why or why not?
  3. Do you believe you are an overcomer in Christ, that you are more than a conqueror through Christ? Why or why not?
  4. God is for you and no matter what you perceive is against you, that God is for you?

Scripture To Meditate On: Psalm 118:6, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (ESV).

Prayer To Pray: “Dear Jesus, it is so easy to get discouraged with having both the physical and demonic against me. When I get discouraged, remind me that You are for me no matter what seems is against me, I am more than a conqueror through You, Christ who gives me strength. I love you Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

I love you Southside—Pastor Kelly

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