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Good morning and wishing you a great day today. It doesn’t take long to realize our world is fallen, sinful and a huge mess. Our world is plagued by serious problems. Economic uncertainty. Civil unrest. Ethnic conflict. Hatred. Violence. Fear. Anxiety. Wherever we turn, we hear a universal cry: “We want a solution!” But politicians and economists cannot provide real solutions to these issues because, at their root, these are spiritual problems. They may slap on bandages and say they have fixed them, but we, as Christ-followers, have the only lasting solution for the world’s ills. 

Romans 8:6 says, “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (NASB). We will not know true rest until we come to terms with the fact that our greatest problem is not the depravity of wicked people but the indifference of believers toward those who are spiritually lost. If we are to find peace and prosperity and feel safe in our homes, streets, workplaces, and schools, we must leave the comfort of our churches. We must go out into the world and tell people that a relationship with Jesus is the only answer. Sin is like the example below:

“The guinea worm is a parasite found in certain areas of central Africa. It begins its life as a larvae and often hitches a ride in a millimeter-long crustacean called cyclops. When a human drinks water from a stream, the cyclops enters the stomach where gastric juices make short work of the cyclops. The larvae of the guinea worm, however, are not destroyed. The worms poke holes in the human's intestine and go for a swim.

After about three months, the male and female larvae get together. About one year later a full-grown guinea, the width of a paper clip wire and up to three feet long, begins to move through the body of its human host, causing tremendous pain. Finally, the worm pokes out of the host's body—probably through the foot. If not removed, the parasite will eventually lead to its host's death.

Once the worm exposes itself, it can only be removed a few centimeters a day. Otherwise the worm will pull apart and die, resulting in infection and possibly death for its host. Sometimes the painful process takes weeks or months. The guinea worm is like sin in three important ways:

First, sin is easy to get involved in. Just like drinking the water from a stream seems simple and harmless, so often does sin. Second, sin is difficult to get rid of once it has taken hold. When sin "pokes its head" out of our lives, and we recognize it has to be dealt with, we should act. Forgiveness comes quickly, but many times the process of getting free from its pull is slow and agonizing. Finally, like the guinea worm, sin when left unchecked can kill you” (Source: Men’s Health, December 1999).”

As we humbly acknowledge we need to repent and change—and we need God’s help—His Holy Spirit will help us realign with God’s purposes in the earth.

Questions To Consider

  1. What scares you the most about living in this world and why?
  2. Besides the “church answer,” why is politics not the solution to our problems in the world?
  3. As you go from day to day, where is your mind set? On the things of God? This world? Work? School? Eating? Why? What does that do to your mindset?
  4. In the illustration above, the guinea worm is a good illustration of sin and a mindset not on God. Why?

Scripture To Meditate On: Galatians 6:8, “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace” (NASB).

Prayer To Prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank You for making a way for me to be restored and reconciled to You. I humbly repent for any place where I have been purposefully living in compromise or tolerating ungodliness. Reveal where I can cooperate with You more fully to align with Your purposes and be governed by Your Spirit, and I will give You all the glory and honor. Please help me with my spiritual “guinea worms” in my life so I can help others with theirs in Your power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly

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