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Good morning Southside! It is a Wonderful Wednesday. We live in a world where power is almost a “staple.” We need it for our homes, cars, digital devices and even our bodies. If you have ever lost power during a storm, it can be very frustrating. This is especially true during hurricane season and you lose power for a week or more. Probably no matter our age, we do not like to think of ourselves as being powerless. 

After all, humans can do some remarkable things. But we are the descendants of Adam, a race of rebels who are powerless to bridge the gap between ourselves and God. You don’t have to teach us to be selfish, envious, or critical because we’re all hardwired that way. If you are a parent, and you have a two-year-old and you told them to do something, you don't have to teach them to look at you stubbornly and reply with a big and emphatic “NO!” They do that naturally. You don’t have to teach them how to have a temper tantrum. They do that all on their own naturally.

The prideful audacity of humanism suggests if you give us enough education, time, and cooperation, we’ll solve the ills of humanity. It takes tremendous arrogance to think that, after several millennia of civilization—when we still treat one another with unbelievable violence, hatred, and cruelty—we can work this out. There are loud voices that deny our need for God because it threatens their assertion that humans are innately good. The Church of Jesus Christ holds the truth: We are powerless without Him. The world needs our message. That’s why you, with your voice for Jesus, are so valuable.

While technology, medicine and education have helped us, these do not change the heart of sin. For example, legislation cannot eradicate racism, or sexism or bigotry. These are issues of the heart that only the power of Christ can change. The Bible says this in Romans 5:6. “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly” (NASB). “Helpless” implies powerless to do anything about it. Pastor Dan Meyer writes this:

“Years ago I traveled to Ecuador and spent a couple of weeks traveling in the mountains. The Quechua Indian people I met there lived amidst the most mind-numbing squalor. The disease and disfigured bodies were heartbreaking. The bugs and stench were everywhere. People were living in a hole in the ground and calling it a house. They were feeding on rotten food and prizing garbage as possessions. But they didn't know it. Why? Because everyone lived that way. They had never been given a picture of what it means to be a genuinely healthy human being. They did not know what an abundant life truly looked like.

That is our problem, too. It's the reason we think of ourselves as largely innocent people—people who have little to do with bringing about the Cross of Christ. We don't get how sick and undeveloped we are spiritually. In Psalm 14:2-3, David says that the one fully-healthy Being in the universe views the human race as we might view those Quechua villagers—only the gap between his life and that of our village is so much larger. "The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. But all have turned aside. (3) They have together become corrupt. There is no one who does good, not even one." In other words, we are condemned, and we don't even know it” (Source: Dan Meyer).

We have a tendency to think of ourselves better than we should. We didn’t get our lives cleaned up in order for Christ to save us; He chose to die for us first. God and His Word says we are sinners. That will not change until we get to heaven. We had a debt to God that we could not pay until Jesus Christ covered it with His death, blood and resurrection. Not only does Psalm 14 affirm no one does good, no one, the Bible also affirms we are evil. Jesus said this to the religious leaders in Matthew 12:34, “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil?” (ESV). So, if religious people are evil, where does that leave us? We are evil also. 

Jesus did for us what we were powerless to do for ourselves. Christian author, pastor and preacher Max Lucado illustrates this with a story about one of his daughters:

“The bank sent me an overdraft notice on the checking account of one of my daughters. I encourage my college-age girls to monitor their accounts. Even so, they sometimes overspend.

What should I do? Send her an angry letter? Admonition might help her later, but it won't satisfy the bank. Phone and tell her to make a deposit? Might as well tell a fish to fly. I know her liquidity. Zero. Transfer the money from my account to hers? Seemed to be the best option. After all, I had $25.37. I could replenish her account and pay the overdraft fee as well. Since she calls me Dad, I did what dads do. I covered my daughter's mistake.

When I told her she was overdrawn, she said she was sorry. Still, she offered no deposit. She was broke. She had one option, "Dad, could you…" "Honey," I interrupted, "I already have." I met her need before she knew she had one.

Long before you knew you needed grace, your Father did the same. He made an ample deposit. Before you knew you needed a Savior, you had one. And when you ask him for mercy, he answers, "Dear child. I've already given it” (Source:  Max Lucado, Cure for the Common Life, pp. 69-70).

We can always achieve earthly accomplishments. However, without God, we are not able to do anything that glorifies Him. Without God, there is no true and lasting hope—without God, our efforts are in vain.

Questions To Consider

  1. Where in your life do you need more of the power of Christ and why?
  2. Just like Max Lucado met his daughter’s need before she asked, Jesus Crhist met your need for salvation before you asked. You overspent on the “sin meter” and He paid the fee for you. He paid your debt not with currency, but with His life. How often do you remind yourself of this?
  3. Psalm 14 reminds us that the “Lord looks down” on us and He never can find anyone who is good. No one. This includes your godly grandmother, Billy Graham (when he was alive) nor Mother Theresa when she was alive. So, what does this tell you about yourself when the Lord looks down at you? Why?
  4. How does reminding ourselves that we are powerless sinners who need the power of Christ help us in our relationship with Him and with life? 

Scripture To Meditate On: Romans 8:26-27, “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; (27) and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the [j]saints according to the will of God” (NASB).

Prayer To Pray: “Heavenly Father, I rejoice in Your great love for me. You have been patient and gentle, even when I have been selfish and rebellious. Today, I choose to humble myself before You, acknowledge my sin, and ask for Your forgiveness. Jesus, I yield to You as Lord of my attitudes and actions. I need Your power to help me. Please forgive me when I live my life as if I am self-sufficient. When it comes to all things in this life, I am powerless without You. Thank You for the power of your indwelling Holy Spirit. May Your Kingdom be lifted up on the earth. In Your name, Amen.”

I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly

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