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It’s Tuesday all day long. I thought I would inform you of that. HA! I imagine that all of us have been caught off guard by something. Nearly every person living has experienced something that shook them to the very core of their being. Sometimes it is a shocking medical report from a doctor or the unexpected death of a family member or friend. As Christians, while we know this world is evil and sinful, and while we know that bad things happen to good people, we just do not like it when we are that good person.

When these things happen to us we knew a positive outcome was beyond anything we could accomplish on our own, and we hopefully turned to the Lord in desperation. We were consumed with the need to bring the situation to the Lord and beg for His help. Our minds were filled with prayers and pleadings. 

We searched our Bibles for scriptures that offered hope. But what did we say when He intervened with the positive outcome that we had asked Him for? “It would have turned out okay in the end.” “That treatment worked after all.” “All my hard work finally paid off!” Let’s learn to acknowledge the supernatural intervention of God, and then be thankful for it. 

We say we trust God but then the bottom falls out and we give the impression either intentionally or unintentionally God cannot be trusted. No where in the Bible does it ever say that God protects us from bad things happening to us. We are not in some kind of special God protecting club. We are in an obedience club for God. This is intentional to cause us to walk by faith and not by sight. 

Hebrews 12:28 says, ”Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe” (NASB). Notice we have been given a kingdom that is unshakable. Yet, many times we let so many fears, worries, pressures, and anxieties still our joy and and our stability in Christ. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (NASB). Lions are fearful. Their roars are terrifying, but we need to remind ourselves that this lion called the devil is a caged lion. Jesus said the devil  is a liar and the father of life (John 8:44). He is pure darkness.

The world tends to focus on the darkness—the destructive things, the evil things, the immoral things, the unsettling things. While it’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world, focusing on it too much can be overwhelming. For example, at the time of Jesus’ birth, there was desperation, corruption, sin, and depravity throughout the world, but the angels said that great joy had come. And to this day, no matter what is going on in your world, you have reason to rejoice! Take time to praise God for sending His Son. 

Celebrate the victories you see around you—the children whose hearts are being changed at church, the baptisms that have happened this year, the times people have been given exactly what they need, the places in your life where there is vitality and activity. Think of the blessings of this year so far. Pause to truly acknowledge what happened due to Jesus’ birth and Resurrection. Instead of seeing the darkness, look to the Light of the world – Jesus Christ. Let’s show Him our gratitude and our reverence with the same intensity with which we make our requests. We serve an all-powerful King who rules over an unshakable Kingdom, and we should respond to Him with humility and gratitude.

Questions To Consider

  1. What are some experiences that have shaken you and how did you deal with them?
  2. If the Lord intervened in that situation you mentioned in questions #1, did and do you continue to this day to give God all the credit for it? Why or why not?
  3. Why do you think the world tends to focus on darkness? We see this in the news, TV shows, movies, the media, etc. – many times as entertainment. What does this say about us? 
  4. Read Hebrews 12:28 again. What does this verse mean to you and why?

Scripture To Meditate On: Psalm 66:2, “He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken” (NASB).

Prayer To Pray: “Heavenly Father, I humbly thank You for Your love, provision, promises, and abundant blessings of peace. I am so grateful for Your forgiveness through the cross, Your life and strength, Your wisdom, and Your authority to overcome every attack of the enemy. I am in awe of the victory that is mine through Jesus. In His name, Amen.”

I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly

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