Well, good morning or good day whichever it is for you. It is Tremendous Thursday. You are almost to the weekend. For most of us, we whine and complain way too much. We live in the most blessed nation in the world, not some 3rd world country without clean water, sanitation, sewers, electricity and health care. At times we act like we are really suffering. Please do not misunderstand me, I realize that some suffering is purely subjective and some suffering is genuine. For example the spouse and/or kids who endure verbal and psychological abuse or physical abuse or sexual abuse – that is real suffering. The person slowly dying on life support from some deadly disease as well as those who love them and watch their life dwindle away- that is suffering. Also, watching a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or dementia which has been labeled as “the long good-bye” is also suffering because you are helpless to do anything about it.
Peter, one of the original disciples, experienced suffering by Rome. He was arrested and crucified upside down. For the first 400 years of the church, Rome had one primary commitment – get rid of Christianity. Christians were targeted, hunted down, arrested and martyred for their faith. The more Rome did this, the more the church and Christianity grew and spread. Does it ever make you wonder, “Why?” Why would people join an illegal Christian faith movement with the real possibility of being martyred by their own government? But they did.
Peter writes this in 1 Peter 4:19, “Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right” (NASB). When I was in college and involved in several Christian college organizations, sometimes I would hear someone in that group when asked, “Well, how is it going?” with all the stresses of college life, working, serving, etc. They would respond with, “Well, I’m suffering for Jesus.” I hate to burst their bubble, I don’t think so. Real suffering for Jesus comes from being persecuted and being hunted down for your faith.
God’s people, the Jews, historically have been targeted only because they were Jews. The worst in this lifetime is by Hitler, the Nazis and Germany in WWII. Multiple concentration camps were built to imprison, exterminate and literally incinerate Jewish dead bodies. It is estimated that over 6 million Jews were killed. Just this week we remembered the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Jews at Auschwitz on January 27. Auschwitz was liberated on January 27, 1945. Historians estimate that only around 245,000 holocaust survivors in 90 countries still exist.
The average age of these survivors is 86. Soon there will be none left. With so many people denying the holocaust today and with the anti-semetic attitude today by the young, it will be a challenge to keep this memory alive in the future. Once they are all gone, it will give way to lies, conspiracy theories etc by those who live in denial of the holocaust.
The Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem (built 2005), called The Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum, is a place that will make you reexamine your life and your priorities. On its grounds are trees planted in remembrance of “The Righteous Among the Nations,” non-Jews who risked their lives to help Jewish people during the Holocaust. Jews living there will ask us Gentiles even today, “Why are there so few trees? Why were more people not willing to stand up for us?” Showing boldness for God and His people has challenged every generation. It is one thing to serve Him when it brings smiles and gratitude. It is another thing to serve Him when it brings anger and persecution. Peter had experienced both of those scenarios, and he was willing to keep doing the right thing and leave the outcome to God.
Today, I think some Christians even in America are targeted due to their faith and are killed for it. Take for example Tiffany Johnson and Philip Crouse:
“On December 9, 2007, Matthew Murray shot and killed Tiffany Johnson, 26, and Philip Crouse, 24, at a Youth With a Mission (YWAM) training center in the Denver suburb of Arvada. [Their pictures are above] He later killed two at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Despite the deaths, YWAM is on track with its missions training program. Training for missions will begin once again in January, and not one of the 120 who signed up has dropped out of the program. Director of the Arvada YWAM Peter Warren spoke with Christianity Today about the shooting…
Matthew was in the building for half an hour talking with students, and then he asked to spend the night. Tiffany was called to the front because she handles hospitality. Normally, we would not have someone spend the night without knowing them or arranging ahead of time. After that, Matthew said, "Then this is what I've got for you," pulled out a gun and began shooting.
After firing a few shots, he had his foot in the door, and at some point his foot slipped and he fell back. The door slammed shut on him and automatically locked, so he could not get back in again. Right then, other staff and students were driving up and saw Matthew banging on the door, trying to get back in. When Matthew saw them, he ran away.
After a student performed CPR on Tiffany, she regained consciousness and asked another trainee named Holly, "Is it bad?" Holly said, "Yes, it's bad." Tiffany looked at Holly and her boyfriend, Dan, who was also shot, and said, "We do this for Jesus, right guys? We do this for Jesus” (Source: Sarah Pulliam, "YWAM Director Describes Shooting, Forgiveness," www.christianitytoday.com, 12-19-07).
Like Peter, like Tiffany, like Philip, we can know that if we suffer for the cause of Christ, God will be faithful to walk with us through whatever comes. If we suffer for Jesus, it is for HIm, not for some pat on the back or recognition or honor. As Tiffany said, “We do this for Jesus!”
Questions To Consider
Scripture To Meditate On: Philippians 3:10, "Your suffering has a sanctifying purpose; it is meant to deepen your relationship with Jesus" (PAR).
Prayer To Pray: “Heavenly Father, I am justified through faith and have peace with You through my Lord Jesus Christ—through whom I have gained access by faith into this grace in which I now stand. So, I boast in the hope of Your glory. I also glory in my sufferings, because I know suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope (Adapted, Romans 5:1-4)” Jesus, You tell me in Philippians 1:29 this, “For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake” (NASB). Please give me the courage to stand for You and not deny You. I love You Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly