Can you believe we are almost through February and going into March? When you read the Book of Acts, you are amazed at how God did such powerful things through the disciples. Even though it is sometimes called The Acts of the Apostles, it probably should be titled, The Acts of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because everything the apostles did was through the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we read for example, Acts 4, we read this in verse 31,”And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness” (NASB). Sounds great, doesn’t it OR does it? Before you give me the “church answer,” consider this. What scares you about being filled with the Holy Spirit? Do you think you are going to start jumping pews or picking up Diamondback Rattlesnakes or speaking in tongues?
While the Holy Spirit gets some great consideration, there have been many because of their own preconceived or crazy ideas of how He works. I remember years ago a friend of mine told me he was at a church (I won't say which denomination) and the service was exciting. Suddenly this guy got down on all fours and started barking. He asked the man, “What in the world was he doing?” The man said, “I’m barking satan up a tree.” My friend asked a followup question, “Where is satan and where is this tree?” The man was sincere, but unfortunately sincerely wrong. That is not from the Holy Spirit. It’s bizarre stuff like this that gives God a bad name and reputation. I call such things “spiritual shark frenzies.” People lose control of their emotions because they are not under the control of the Holy Spirit.
This account in Acts, chapter four, is not a meeting of trained religious leaders who pray until the room shakes. These are regular people who believe, pray, and are filled with the Holy Spirit. We’re quite content to read about the Spirit filling other people and empowering them to do great things for God. But are we willing to invite Him into our own lives and circumstances—waiting on the Lord in obedience and in prayer?
Evil is running rampant in our world, and the only force powerful enough to overcome it is the Spirit of God. I encourage you to open your heart and mind to the examination of God’s Spirit. Invite Him to come in and shake up whatever needs shaking—whether that be your life, your home, your church, or your community. Then, when He does, go and tell the story of what He has done for you and how He can also transform you.
The reason the early church was successful, especially against Jewish opposition from people like Saul and from Roman persecution is that they were filled with the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. Notice Acts 4:31 says, “And when they had prayed . . .” Not “And when they had taken the offering . . .” Not “And when they had sung some hymns . . .” This happened after they prayed. Today, prayer, genuine depending on the Lord, has almost vanished from the church. We want seminary trained staff, nice buildings, balanced budgets, many programs and ministries, our own knowledge and experiences, plus money in the bank. Who needs prayer, right? Who needs the Holy Spirit, right?
The early church models for us that without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, all our efforts are a waste of energy and resources. This is what God said to Zerubbabel in Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts” (NASB). Consider this story below:
“At age 26, Ken Elzinga joined the faculty of the University of Virginia. After a tenured colleague warned him that being explicit about his faith would hinder his career, Elzinga was stunned to see a flier with his face on it placed at a prominent campus location. A campus ministry had posted it to advertise a talk he had agreed to give.
A relatively new believer, Elzinga worried. Would fellow professors think less of him? Might this harm his tenure chances? He experienced a dark night of the soul, returning to campus and secretly taking the poster down. But the next morning, Elzinga put the poster back up. After hours of soul-searching, he concluded that his life was not about career ambition but about faithful discipleship, and that being private about his faith was not an option.
In the four decades since, Elzinga has been named professor of the year multiple times and is still a speaker in high demand. He will be the first to say that serving only one master has been liberating. Why? Because pleasing an audience of one and depending on the Holy Spirit makes us less anxious, less sensitive to criticism, and more courageous. Because in doing so, we become more secure and compete less for our honor” (Source: Alec Hill, "The Most Troubling Parable," Christianity Today, July/August 2014).”
God has given us spiritual armor, His authority and power, and His Holy Spirit to help us change, mature, and stand. So, utilize these in your daily walk. Please do not do what Ephesians 4:30 says some Christians do, “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (NASB). Or as 1 Thessalonians 5:19,” Do not quench the Spirit” (NASB).
Questions To Consider
Scripture To Meditate On: Acts 13:52, “And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit” (NASB).
Prayer To Pray:” Heavenly Father, forgive me for excusing ungodliness, tolerating deception, or accommodating evil—may Your Holy Spirit reveal to me anything that diminishes You. Grant me humility and courage to surrender to You for the life-transformation that will create opportunities to boldly tell others about the power of the cross. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly